Electronic Starting Pistol for purchase for athletic events. The starter stands at the start line and gives a countdown through the headset. They then fire the gun which can emit either a gunshot sound or a beep, which is sometimes preferred for athletes with special needs. The Starting Gun then displays a bright flash, as well as the sound from the speaker. The speaker volume can be adjusted to suit your preference. The combination of the bright flash & loud sound indicates to the athlete to launch from the starting blocks. The lightweight design of the kit, mixed with the use of external & internal batteries, allows the starter to move from one start line to another; such as from the 100m to the 400m. The integrated headset allows the started not only to announce the athletes to approach their marks, but to also announce that an athlete is penalised for a false start.
Starting Gun / Pistol & Speaker System

Product Description
- Acoustic ‘Gun-Like’ Sound
- Alternative Beep Sound
- Bright Flash Emitted when Triggered
- Multiple Sound Levels for Speaker
- Speaker External Batteries for Track Use
- Gun External Batteries for Track Use
- Sturdy Tripod for Speaker
- Headset Allows Starter to Speak Through Speaker
- Kit is Lightweight & Mobile
Acoustic ‘Gun-Like’ Sound
Alternative Beep Acoustic Sound
Bright Flash Emitted when Triggered
Multiple Sound Levels on Speaker
Speaker External Batteries for Track use
Gun Internal Batteries for Track Use
Sturdy Tripod for Speaker
Headset Allows Started to Speak through Speaker